Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, addressing the 76th foundation day celebrations of Uttar Pradesh on Friday, raised concerns over the presence of illegal refugees in the country and called for immediate action to safeguard the nation's interests. He also urged the youth to take a stand against individuals and entities engaged in anti-national activities. "There are crores of illegal refugees in India who pose serious challenges to our healthcare, education, and employment sectors," Dhankhar said. "This is a matter of grave concern, as they are now seeking to influence electoral processes. Across the globe, developed nations are addressing such issues, and India, too, must act swiftly for its stability and dignity." He further stressed, "It is essential to confront and neutralise those forces working to weaken India and align with anti-national elements. The youth must exercise their immense power to counter such threats effectively." Highlighting Uttar Pradesh's contribution to ..