Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole on Friday said the Devendra Fadnavis government must release a White Paper on the investments received and jobs generated from MoUs signed during previous visits to the World Economic Forum in Davos. Addressing a press conference, Patole said Fadnavis has informed that 61 MoUs were signed entailing investments of Rs 15.70 lakh crore and having the potential to create 15.95 lakh jobs. "While significant investments in Maharashtra are welcome, the public has the right to know the specifics of these agreements and the reality behind them. Similar grand announcements have been made in the past as well. The Mahayuti government must release a White Paper on investments and job creation from previous deals at Davos," Patole said. Of the 61 companies that have signed agreements with the Maharashtra government in Davos this time, 51 are based in India, of which 43 are from Mumbai and Pune, he said, adding only 10 are foreign-based. These include a Rs .