Senior BJP leader Uma Bharti on Wednesday welcomed the Madhya Pradesh government's proposal to ban liquor in religious places, and said it was a step towards prohibition across the state. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav had said last week that the government was contemplating a ban on liquor sale and consumption in "religious cities" to ensure that the sanctity of these places is preserved. Bharti, a former chief minister, has been demanding a complete ban on liquor in the BJP-ruled state for the last few years. Congratulating Yadav in a post on 'X', she stated, "Complete prohibition of liquor in religious cities by the Mohan Yadav government of Madhya Pradesh is an unprecedented decision." The liquor ban policy announced by the government two years ago was very public-friendly and pragmatic, she added. "We were moving towards complete prohibition. This is another step towards complete prohibition," Bharti said. Yadav responded to her post on X, saying banning alcohol consumption at