Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Wednesday said that as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for housing for all, four crore poor people have been provided permanent houses in the country so far. Referring to an old survey in Madhya Pradesh, he said that permanent houses are to be provided to 16 lakh beneficiaries and the state has got 8.5 lakh new houses as of now. After this, a survey will be conducted again and the government will ensure that no poor will remain without a permanent house, he asserted. The resolution of providing permanent housing to every poor in Madhya Pradesh will be fulfilled as desired by the prime minister, he said. The chief minister was speaking at an event in Vidisha where he symbolically performed griha pravesh' of the beneficiaries as part of a scheme under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)'. Union Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare and Rural Development Minister and Vidisha MP, Shivraj Singh Chouhan was also present. Besides ..