The Congress' new headquarters located at 9A, Kotla Road here was inaugurated on Wednesday, as the grand old party turned a page in its history after operating from its iconic 24, Akbar Road premises for the last 47 years. Congress parliamentary party chief Sonia Gandhi inaugurated the plush five-storey building in the presence of party president Mallikarjun Kharge, former party chief Rahul Gandhi, and general secretaries Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Jairam Ramesh and K C Venugopal, among other senior leaders. Indira Gandhi Bhawan, constructed by L&T and designed by Hafeez Contractor, narrates the tale of the party's 139-year-old history with its walls adorning pictures from the freedom struggle to the party's governance achievements. The five principles of the Congress -- democracy, nationalism, secularism, inclusive growth and justice -- are inscribed on one of the walls of the building. As one enters the building, the wall in front adorns the pictures of the party's first president W