Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday said the tabling of the caste census report before the state cabinet has been deferred by a week. The Karnataka Socio-Economic and Education Survey report, commonly known as the 'Karnataka caste census', was originally scheduled to be presented in the state cabinet meeting on January 16. "There was a plan to table the caste census report in tomorrow's cabinet meeting. However, it will not be taken up tomorrow. It will be placed a week later in a subsequent cabinet meeting," Siddaramaiah told reporters here. Asked about divergent views regarding the report's findings by different communities, the chief minister said, "Even I don't know the contents of the report. It has not been discussed in the cabinet yet." He added that the report will be made public after the cabinet decision. "We will decide after taking into account the public comments," he said. The ongoing public discussion is based on "assumption" as the report has not be