Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday lashed out at Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi over his remarks that the Opposition is not only fighting BJP and RSS but also the "Indian state itself." She wondered why Gandhi has been carrying the Indian Constitution in his hand. "The LoP, who was sworn in by taking oath on the Constitution, is now saying, We are now fighting the BJP, the RSS and the Indian State itself, she said in a post on X. "So, @INCIndia and @RahulGandhi, what for are you carrying a copy of the constitution in your hand?," she wondered. Addressing party leaders after the inauguration of the Congress' new headquarters at 9A, Kotla Road here earlier in the day, Gandhi said, "Do not think that we are fighting a fair fight. There is no fairness in this. If you believe that we are fighting a political organisation called the BJP, that we are fighting a political organisation called the RSS, you have not understood what is going on. "The BJP and the