More than a dozen deaths in three families in a remote village in the border district of Rajouri were not caused by any mysterious disease as tests conducted both within and outside the Union Territory have returned negative results, Health Minister Sakeena Masood said here on Wednesday. However, she said the deaths in the three families that are related to each other in Badhaal village of Kotranka sub-division since December 7 last year are of great concern, and police and the district administration will undertake a speedy probe to unveil the mystery. "Thirteen people, including 11 children, have died in the village (eight in December and five this month). The health department mobilised its entire machinery after getting information about the deaths of five people and screened 3,500 villagers door to door. "It took samples and sent those for testing in various laboratories within and outside Jammu and Kashmir. Three more people died a few days later, prompting the department to .