The BJP on Monday said the rupee is among the "most stable" currencies in the world and slammed the Congress for painting a "grim picture" of the fall in its value against the US dollar.
India's improved external position, reduced current-account deficit and strong foreign exchange reserves have made the rupee one of the most stable currencies globally, BJP's IT cell head Amit Malviya said in a post on X.
Over the last year, the rupee depreciated by a modest 3.68 per cent, outperforming major currencies like the Japanese Yen and Korean Won, which fell by 9 per cent to 12 per cent during the same period, even as the US Dollar Index surged by 9.8 per cent, Malviya said.
"So, the next time someone paints a grim picture of the Indian rupee, remind them of its disastrous performance under the UPA and the remarkable turnaround under the Modi government," he added.
The reaction of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader came after the Congress took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi