Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday launched a blistering attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying that they keep mum on the issue of caste census as they do not want backwards, Dalits, tribals and minorities to get their due share. Specifically targeting Kejriwal at his first public meeting for Delhi assembly polls, Gandhi said that the AAP convenor was following "Modi's strategy of propaganda and false promises" despite rising pollution, corruption and inflation in the national capital. Gandhi also promised a caste survey in Delhi if the Congress formed the government in the national capital. "Kejriwal had said that he would clean Delhi, remove corruption, and turn the national capital into Paris. "What actually happened -- one cannot move around due to pollution and inflation is rising," the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha said addressing his 'Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, Jai Samvidhan' public meeting at Seelampur. "Arvind .