Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri flayed the AAP on Monday over the Delhi High Court's observations on its government's failure to place certain CAG reports before the Assembly and asserted that the party will get a blow from the voters in the upcoming polls in the capital for "suppressing" the national auditor's findings. Hearing a petition filed by some Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs, the high court said on Monday that the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India on the city administration should have promptly been placed before the Assembly for discussions, but the government of the National Capital Territory "dragged its feet", raising "doubts on its bonafides". "It is crystal clear. You (the AAP government) have delayed (placing the reports before the Assembly)," Puri told PTI when asked for his comments on the court's observations in the matter. He said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government should have sent the reports to the Assembly speaker and ...