Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar unveiled developmental projects worth Rs 1,107 crore in Madhubani district on Sunday. Kumar inaugurated and laid foundation stones for 139 projects in the district. He also announced that the state government would urge the Centre to start flight services from the Madhubani airport under the UDAN scheme. The CM chaired a meeting at Mithila Haat in the Jhanjharpur area to review the ongoing developmental schemes in the district. District Magistrate Arvind Kumar Verma gave a detailed presentation about the ongoing projects and schemes, including the Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme, CM Nishchay Self Help Allowance Scheme, CM Rural Solar Street Light and CM Agricultural Electricity Connection Scheme, a statement said. The CM instructed the officials to resolve the issues raised by the elected representatives in the meeting at the earliest, it added. Kumar also inspected the Saksham Anganwadi Center in Durgipatti village of Khutauna block. During th