Supporters of Independent MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav staged demonstrations across Patna on Sunday, as part of a Bihar Bandh' to protest alleged irregularities in the recently held PSC exam, disrupting traffic movement in several areas of the capital city. They gathered near Patna Science College in the morning and attempted to stop vehicles to enforce the bandh called by the Purnea MP. Pappy Yadav's supporters also burnt effigies of top officials of the Bihar Public Service Commission on Ashok Rajpath, demanding cancellation of the combined competitive exam held on December 13 last year. They squatted on the road near Dak Bunglow Crossing in Patna and attempted to disrupt the movement of vehicles. Yadav claimed that the bandh was supported by Azad Samaj Party leader Chandra Shekhar Azad. Adequate security personnel have been deployed at different locations in the city to ensure smooth movement of vehicles. As of now, things are completely under control," Patna District ...