Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Friday said the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test would have been abolished had the Indi alliance captured power, but only the Central government can now cancel the test. The DMK has consistently opposed NEET and was involved in efforts aimed at scrapping the test, he told the Assembly. "NEET did not enter Tamil Nadu as long as our leader Kalaignar (late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi) and late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa were in power. The exam was introduced only during your regime," Stalin said responding to the Leader of the Opposition AIADMK Edappadi K Palniswami's charge that the ruling dispensation had done precious little to abolish NEET despite its promise in the run-up to the 2021 assembly election. "Does Opposition Leader Palaniswami not know that only the Union Government can cancel NEET? If the Indi alliance had come to power at the Centre, then NEET would have definitely been cancelled," Stalin said responding to a volley of