Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Manikrao Kokate has said the Ladki Bahin Yojana is creating a burden on the state coffers, affecting its ability to implement the farm loan waiver scheme. The Ladki Bahin scheme, launched by the previous Eknath Shinde-led government in August last year to provide a monthly allowance of Rs 1,500 to eligible women, is likely to cost the state around Rs 46,000 crore annually. The scheme is said to have played a key role in the ruling Mahayuti's win in the state assembly elections held in November 2024. Speaking to reporters in Pune on Sunday, Kokate said the financial strain caused by the Ladki Bahin Yojana has disrupted the state's ability to form a surplus that would otherwise be allocated for waiving the loans of farmers. "The burden created by the Ladki Bahin scheme has affected our ability to set aside funds for the farm loan waiver. We are reviewing the financial situation, and once the state's income increases, we will move forward with the loan