Jharkhand Finance Minister and Congress leader Radhakrishna Kishore on Sunday said that INDIA bloc will take a call on providing subsidised LPG cylinders to consumers at a rate of Rs 450 in the state.
At present, domestic LPG cylinders are available for Rs 860 in major cities of Jharkhand.
The Congress during assembly elections has promised gas cylinders to all citizens at a subsidised rate on being voted to power. The party is part of the JMM-led alliance in the state.
"The call to provide LPG cylinders at Rs 450 has to be taken by the INDIA bloc. The promise was made by a political party - Congress to which I also belong. But a final call can be taken only by the alliance," Kishore told reporters here.
He also said that the Jharkhand government is actively considering resorting to multiple steps, including legal action, to recover the outstanding amount of Rs 1.36 lakh crore from the central government.
The finance minister highlighted that the outstanding sum has been pending f