Union Minister H D Kumaraswamy on Sunday accused the Congress government in Karnataka of finding ways to discontinue its flagship guarantee schemes, while "burdening" the common people with increased costs such as the recent 15 per cent hike in public transport bus fares. Speaking to reporters, Kumaraswamy said, "The Chief Minister (Siddaramaiah) is someone who has presented the most number of budgets in the state, as he has also held a finance portfolio, with his consent the five guarantee schemes were implemented and they (Congress) claim that they have walked the talk, but to walk the talk they are playing with the lives of the common man." Expressing concern over the fare hike, he said it impacted farmers, labourers, and the working class. By increasing bus fares by 15 per cent, what has this government achieved? These hikes affect the lives of the common people, not the wealthy or ministers' families, he said, adding that the hike reflects the government's insensitivity towards