After fresh violence erupted in Manipur, the Congress on Saturday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said he could not escape the constitutional culpability of not following "rajdharma". In a post on X, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge alleged that the BJP had some vested interest in keeping the border state on the boil. "The BJP is the matchstick which burnt Manipur!" he said in his post. He also shared a screengrab of a news report about the latest violence. The Congress chief said in the post, "Narendra Modi ji, your last visit to Manipur was for seeking votes for the BJP, way back in January 2022. Violence erupted in the state on May 3, 2023." "More than 600 days have passed, and media reports through satellite images have now revealed that villages after villages have been wiped off in the state," he added. Kharge said fresh violence was witnessed recently when a mob attacked the Kangpokpi district superintendent of police, resulting in injuries. "Your incompe