BJP MLA Suresh Dhas on Friday said NCP leader Dhananjay Munde should remain in the Maharashtra cabinet as a minister without portfolio till a chargesheet is filed in the murder case of sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh. The opposition parties have been demanding that Munde, whose close associate Walmik Karad has been arrested in an extortion case related to the murder, be removed from the cabinet. However, Munde, who holds the food and civil supplies portfolio, on Thursday clarified that there would be no influence from his side as a minister in the probe into these cases. Addressing a press conference in Beed, Dhas questioned the inclusion of some members in the special investigation team (SIT) probing the murder and extortion cases. "There is a member who was transferred from Gadchiroli by one of the accused, Walmik Karad. This person should not show devotion to his 'master'. Some people have connections with him (Karad). I have no objection to senior officials, but I have issues with ..