Delhi Chief Minister Atishi accused the BJP on Wednesday of planning to demolish Hindu temples and a Buddhist site in various areas of the city, even as the saffron party refuted the charge, alleging that she is trying to "disturb" communal harmony by making such a statement. Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva demanded that the chief minister withdraw her statement and warned that she would be held responsible if any untoward incident happens. The accusation comes amid an intense political battle between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) ahead of the Delhi Assembly polls due in February. Atishi wrote to Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena on Tuesday, claiming that a "Religious Committee" under him, at its meeting on November 22, ordered for the demolition of six religious structures, including Hindu temples and a Buddhist worship place, in different parts of the city. The LG's office rebutted the charge, accusing Atishi of indulging in "cheap politics", a