Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar owns movable and immovable assets worth Rs 1.64 crore, according to his latest disclosure of assets. According to details of assets of the chief minister and his cabinet colleagues uploaded on the Bihar government website on December 31, Kumar has Rs 21,052 in cash and nearly Rs 60,811.56 in different banks. The Nitish Kumar government has made it mandatory for all cabinet ministers to disclose their assets and liabilities on the last day of every calendar year. As per the disclosures, several ministers are richer than the CM. According to the disclosures made by the CM on the website of the Cabinet Secretariat Department, Kumar has total movable properties worth around Rs 16,97,741.56, while he has immovable assets worth Rs 1.48 crore. The CM has only one residential flat at a cooperative housing society at Dwarka in New Delhi. In 2023, the CM had movable and immovable assets worth Rs 16,484,632.69. According to disclosures, Bihar Deputy CM, Samr