Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has said "Ladki Bahin" (women) in the state recognising him as their "dear brother" is the biggest honour for him. Notably, the Ladki Bahin scheme for financial assistance to women, started during the previous Mahayuti government when Shinde was the CM, is widely credited to have contributed to the BJP-led coalition's big win the state assembly polls in November 2024. The Mahayuti, comprising the BJP, Shinde-led Shiv Sena and Ajit Pawar's NCP, registered a landslide win in the polls. BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis was subsequently sworn in as the chief minister, with Shinde and Pawar as his deputies. Shinde on Monday night attended the Diva Festival in Thane district where a speaker remarked about his transition from chief minister to deputy CM after the state elections. Responding to it, Shinde said, "I am proud and happy that 2.40 crore Ladki Bahin have recognised me as a Ladka Bhau (beloved brother)." "This recognition is my greate