Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday accused the Congress of attempting to stir a controversy over the cremation of former prime minister Manmohan Singh, despite the Centre announcing a fitting memorial to honour his legacy. Sarma said it was not the first time that the Congress has "shown such disregard be it towards the legacy of Narasimha Rao or Pranab Mukherjee, the party has, unfortunately, treated its own with indifference. The CM's remarks came after the Congress accused the Centre of insulting Singh, the country's first Sikh prime minister, by performing his last rites at Nigambodh Ghat instead of a designated spot that could be turned into his memorial. Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi had said the BJP-led Centre had "totally insulted" Singh by performing his last rites at Nigambodh Ghat. The BJP maintained that the government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi had allocated space for Singh's memorial and also informed his family about it,