National Conference president Farooq Abdullah on Sunday said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's announcement of resignation shows he is not hungry for power and wants to go back to people "who will either make or break him". "He wants fresh elections in Delhi so that he goes back to the people and it is the people who will either make or break him," Abdullah told reporters here. The National Conference (NC) president said the charges have not been proved against Kejriwal in the liquor scam and so he wants people to decide. "They have not been able to prove charges on him, that is why he wants to go to public so that the people decide. It is a very good thing that he is not hungry for power, he has left the chair even as there was still time. He wants to gain the faith of the people and it is a huge thing in a democracy," he added. Meanwhile, when asked about many independent candidates contesting the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly polls, Abdullah said it was for the people to deci