The Sri Lankan government has requested India to prevent its fishermen from illegally entering the country's waters for fishing. Minister of Transport, Highways, Ports and Civil Aviation Bimal Rathnayaka said the Indian action would be deeply appreciated by the people in northern Sri Lanka as fishing is the only livelihood for them. His remarks came ahead of the likely visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Sri Lanka next month. We know that India has been helping Sri Lanka a lot. But this help towards the people of Jaffna would be the greatest," Rathnayaka told Parliament on Wednesday. They have no other industry and if you go to Mannar and Thalaimannar you will see. Rathnayaka said India was of much assistance to the people of northern Sri Lanka during the country's armed conflict with the LTTE. They gave them protection and we are thankful to India for that," Rathnayaka stressed. The biggest service India, the Tamil Nadu government and, their MPs could do is to help the nor