The second round of the trial incineration of the waste linked to the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy at Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar district is likely to begin from Wednesday, officials said. Preparations for the second round continued on Tuesday.
As part of the plan to dispose of 337 tonnes of waste from the defunct Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, it was transported to the disposal plant run by a private company in Pithampur, about 250 km from the state capital, on January 2. The Madhya Pradesh High Court had ordered that trials for the disposal of this waste be conducted in three rounds with adherence to all safety norms, and also directed that reports of all three tests are to be presented before the court on March 27. Srinivas Dwivedi, regional officer of the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), told PTI, "The first round of incineration of 10 tonnes of Union Carbide factory waste at the Pithampur waste disposal plant began on February 28 and ended on March 3 (Monday). The ..