The total live storage capacity of the 155 reservoirs monitored by the CWC stands at 180.852 billion cubic meters (BCM), which is approximately 70.15 per cent of the total estimated live storage capacity in the country, according to the latest bulletin of the CWC. While the overall storage has improved compared to the same period last year, significant regional disparities highlight the challenges faced by certain states. The total live storage capacity of the 155 reservoirs monitored by the Central Water Commission (CWC) stands at 180.852 billion cubic meters (BCM), which is approximately 70.15 per cent of the total estimated live storage capacity in the country. As of Thursday, the live storage available in these reservoirs is 93.529 BCM, representing 52 per cent of their total capacity. This is a notable improvement compared to the same period last year when the live storage was 78.633 BCM and the normal storage (average of the last ten years) was 81.497 BCM. The current storag