Stainless steel wires maker Bansal Wire Industries has reported over twofold rise in consolidated profit after tax (PAT) at Rs 41.6 crore, backed by higher revenues. It had posted a Rs 17.2 crore PAT in the year-ago quarter, the company said in a statement on Friday. Revenues rose 52.6 per cent to Rs 924.6 crore from Rs 606 crore in October-December 2023-24. The EBIDTA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) rose 99 per cent to Rs 73.1 crore from Rs 35.8 crore a year ago. "During the quarter, we delivered resilient financial performance and strong operational execution, ramping up new lines for value-added products and driving value-driven volume expansion while sustaining momentum through growth initiatives," company's MD & CEO Pranav Bansal said. On the outlook for wire industry, he said challenges like fluctuating raw material prices and geopolitical risks persist and international expansion in the US and Europe offer significant opportunities.