Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday said 364 trains ran to various destinations from different stations of Prayagraj for the convenience of devotees returning home after taking holy dip in Sangam on the day of Mauni Amavasya on January 29.
Dilip Kumar, Executive Director, Information and Publicity, Railway Board provided zone-wise details of 364 train operations and said besides these 364 trains which originated from Prayagraj to different destinations, 77 trains arrived in Prayagraj from other places.
"During the entire period of (Maha Kumbh) Mela, the Railways has planned to operate about 13,450 trains, which include 10,028 regular trains and more than 3,400 special trains," Kumar added.
Vaishnaw said approximately 12 lakh devotees have reached their respective destinations with the help of railway services.
"Officials from the Railway Board as well as from three concerning zones are continuously coordinating with the state government to provide adequate train services