Andhra Pradesh investment board has approved projects worth Rs 44,776 crore this month, largely in the clean energy space, which will generate 19,580 jobs, the state government said.
Of the projects approved, Rs 42,932 crore worth of projects are in the energy sector, mostly solar energy.
The energy projects cleared include Rs 14,328 crore investment by Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd and Rs 10,300 crore investment by Megha Engineering and Infrastructure Ltd.
Other companies whose projects were cleared include Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd (RS 2,000 crore), Ayana Renewable Power Pvt Ltd (Rs 4,435 crore), Ampin Energy Transition Pvt Ltd (Rs 3,142 crore), SAEL Solar MHP1 Pvt Ltd (Rs 1,728 crore), SAEL Solar MHP2 Pvt Ltd (Rs 1,728 crore), Cuddapah Renewables Pvt Ltd (Rs 1,163 crore) and Ecoren Energy India Pvt Ltd (Rs 1,651 crore).
According to the state government, Rs 1,844 crore worth of projects in other sectors were also approved.
Since July 2024, the State Investment Promotio