HeidelbergCement India Ltd on Thursday reported an 83.5 per cent decline in net profit to Rs 5.19 crore for the third quarter ended December 2024 due to lower volume and prices.
The company had reported a net profit of Rs 31.47 crore in the October-December quarter a year ago, HeidelbergCement India said in a regulatory filing.
Its revenue from operations declined 10.6 per cent to Rs 542.82 crore during the December quarter. It was at Rs 607.13 crore a year ago.
During the quarter, HeidelbergCement's "EBITDA per tonne decreased to Rs 291, a decrease of 46.3 per cent due to lower volume and prices".
Similarly, its revenue was also down "due to a decrease in volume by 5.3 per cent and price by 5.6 per cent," the company said in its earning statement.
Total expenses of HeidelbergCement India in the December quarter were at Rs 544.63 crore, down 5.7 per cent.
HeidelbergCement India is the subsidiary of Heidelberg Materials, a German multinational building materials company.
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