Indian-American Congressman Ro Khanna and Republican lawmaker Rich McCormick would co-chair the India Caucus in the US House of Representatives in the new Congress, an announcement said here Wednesday. Congressmen Andy Barr and Marc Veasey will continue serving as vice co-chairs. Congressman Brad Sherman, who formerly served as chair, will continue to serve as chair emeritus, the announcement said. "A strong partnership with India is critical for our economy and national security. It is an honor to continue serving as co-chair of the India Caucus and to welcome Rep. Rich McCormick as the caucus's new co-chair, Khanna said. McCormick, who represents the 7th Congressional District of Georgia, has supported policies to strengthen the US-India relationship, he said. "I have the great privilege of serving many hard working Indian Americans in my district and will continue to strengthen our relationship with India, McCormick said. The dedication, innovation, and contributions of this ..