Delhi Police registered a case after a vehicle labelled "Punjab government" was on Wednesday intercepted with cash, liquor and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) pamphlets, an official said. The vehicle bearing a Punjab number plate was caught by the Flying Squad team in the New Delhi district, the official said. The Flying Squad attends to all Model Code of Conduct violations and all complaints related to liquor, arms and cash used for elections. The Punjab government dismissed claims that it owned the car intercepted in Delhi. The vehicle's number plate was forged and fake as it can be tracked to a different car not owned by the Punjab government, it said. The AAP, too, released a statement, saying the car seizure was a "planted stunt, ?poorly executed and utterly bogus". Delhi Police said officials have initiated legal proceedings in the matter, and a case is being registered at Tilak Marg police station. "Upon searching (the car), we discovered cash, multiple liquor bottles, and Aam Aadmi .