Domestic financial institution IFCI on Friday said the government has approved Rs 500 crore capital infusion in the company through the preferential issue of shares. The Department of Financial Services has conveyed sanction of the President of India to release funds of Rs 500 crore to IFCI Ltd towards subscription to the share capital during FY 2024-25, the state-owned entity said in a regulatory filing. Following this, the meeting of the board of directors of the company is called on January 29, 2025, to consider the Preferential Issue of equity shares to the central government, subject to the approval of shareholders, stock exchanges and such other regulatory authorities as may be required. With the infusion, the government's holding in the company is expected to further increase from the existing 71.72 per cent as of September 2024. The capital infusion plan for IFCI was approved through the passage of the first Supplementary Demand for Grants for 2024-25 in the Lok Sabha in ..