India on Friday said it is looking for "bolder, bigger and a more ambitious" relationship with the US and indicated its readiness to work with the Trump administration to address issues like illegal immigration and trade.
External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said India's approach has always been to address issues in a constructive manner in line with interests of both the countries.
Like in many countries, there have been some concerns in India as well over the Trump administration's approach on immigration and tariff.
President Trump has already talked about slapping "100 per cent tariffs" on the BRICS grouping, a bloc that includes India as well.
We remain in close communication with the US administration and would like to continue to work towards strengthening our economic partnership further, Jaiswal said.
India is focused on building "bolder, bigger and a more ambitious" relationship with the US, he added.
Referring to India's ongoing dialogue with the US