Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday said that India would continue buying crude oil from Russia if it is available at a discount emphasising that the government is "committed" to buying the most economically-priced crude oil.
"We used to buy less than 0.2 per cent from Russia in February 2022. Now, we are buying 30 per cent. If it's available at good discounts, we will buy it. If it (crude oil) is available elsewhere (at a discounted price), we will buy (from that market)," Puri, who is Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, said during a media interaction here.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "commitment is to make energy available round the clock in the most affordable manner, along with the transition to green energy", the minister said.
"We are not committed to buying any quantity from anyone. We are committed to buying the most economically priced energy of a grade of crude that you (refineries) want."
He said that the government was open to entering both long terms as