The Supreme Court on Friday asked the Assam government to pay Rs 70 crore in two equal installments of Rs 35 crore each to cash-strapped Assam Tea Corporation Ltd to clear long-pending dues of its workers. A bench comprising Justices Abhay S Oka and Ujjal Bhuyan said, "It took some time till the state government came around. It accepted the proposal of the state government to pay the amount in two tranches and said the first installment would be paid by June 30. The second installment would be deposited with the competent authorities of the ATCL by June 30, 2026. "We make it clear that as and when the amount is deposited with the ATCL, it will disburse the same on 'pro-rata' basis," the bench said. The top court said it would decide whether the state government should be absolved of any further liability only after it deposits Rs 70 crore. On December 9, last year, the state government said Rs 70 crore will be paid by two yearly installments and sought four weeks' time to file an