The CBI has filed a chargesheet against NGO Environics Trust for alleged violations of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) in several bank transfers carried out in 2018, officials said on Friday. In its chargesheet filed before a special court here, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) named Environics Trust (ET), Vanitha Sreedhar, Nishant Kumar Alag and Prasanta Kumar Paikray as accused under Indian Penal Code sections 120-B, 417, 468 and 471, and provisions of the FCRA. An email sent to ET by PTI seeking a response on the development remained unanswered by the time of filing this story. The CBI, which filed the chargesheet after nearly a year-long probe alleged that ET submitted two forged invoices of Rs 6.50 lakh and Rs 4 lakh of a company named MAA Plasto in its FCRA return to show expenses. The invoices were not issued by the company but the NGO showed them in returns filed for foreign funds utilisation, the agency alleged. The CBI also told the special cour