Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Sain said on Friday that the state government would provide government jobs to 2 lakh youth over five years.
Saini also said that during the past ten years, the BJP government in Haryana has provided government jobs to 1.71 youth on merit.
Along with offering government jobs, the government has also implemented various schemes to help youth set up their businesses, Saini said, while speaking at the Golden Jubilee celebration function at the Indira Gandhi National (IGN) College, Ladwa, Kurukshetra.
He said that IGN College was established in 1974 to provide education to rural children and over its 50-year journey, the institution has played a crucial role in shaping thousands of students into skilled and responsible citizens.
Colleges like IGN play a vital role in achieving the vision of developed Haryana. Educational institutions are the backbone of the state's and country's progress, the CM said.
Saini said to promote higher education, the state