The CBI has conducted search operations across seven locations after registering a case of Rs 350 crore crypto ponzi scam against seven persons, officials said Friday. The accused persons were allegedly running seven separate modules based in the cities of Delhi, Hazaribag, Bathinda, Ratlam, Valsad, Pudukkottai and Chittorgarh, taking money from gullible investors promising investments in cryptocurrencies, they said. "These ponzi schemes were being promoted through multiple social media groups. An analysis of bank account transactions and cryptocurrency wallets has revealed that the illegal proceeds from these schemes were being converted into cryptocurrencies to obscure their origin," CBI's spokesperson said in a statement. It is alleged that they had conducted transactions of over Rs 350 crore in these schemes, the officials said. On Thursday, the agency swooped down at locations in Delhi, Jharkhand, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. During the searches,