Patanjali Foods Ltd has recalled 4 tonnes of red chilli powder from markets following the direction from food regulator FSSAI. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) asked Patanjali Foods to recall a specified batch of packed red chilli powder due to non-conformity with food safety norms. "Patanjali Foods has recalled small batch of 4 tonnes of 'Red Chilli Powder (200 gram pack)," the company's CEO Sanjeev Asthana said in a statement. "The product sample when tested were found not conforming to the maximum permitted limit of pesticides residue. The FSSAI sets Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for pesticides residue for various food items including red chilli powder," he said. In line with specified regulatory norms, Asthana said the company has taken immediate steps to inform its distribution channel partners and also released advertisements to reach out to the consumers who have purchased the product. He urged customers to return the product to the place of purchase