The Delhi government's excise department has seized nearly 20,000 bottles of illicit liquor worth Rs 50 lakh over the last fortnight, since the Model Code of Conduct for the Assembly polls came into force, officials said on Friday.
The total worth of the seizures, including 15,376 litre of illicit alcohol (both Indian-made foreign liquor or IMFL and country liquor) and 32 vehicles stood at around Rs 1.5 crore, they said.
So far, 52 cases have been registered in connection with the seized illicit liquor. The liquor seized by the excise department after the imposition of the MCC is around 25 per cent of the total seizure, including that by the Delhi Police, the officials said.
Teams of the Excise Intelligence Bureau (EIB) have been working hard to gather inputs on liquor smuggled mostly from neighbouring Haryana and catch the offenders, said a senior excise department officer.
Voting for the 70-member Delhi Assembly is due on February 5. The counting of votes is scheduled to take pla