Ujjivan Small Finance Bank on Thursday reported a 64 per cent drop in net profit to Rs 103 crore for the third quarter ended December 2024, as provisions for bad loans increased. The lender earned a net profit of Rs 300 crore in the year-ago period. However, the total income rose to Rs 1,763 crore in the quarter under review from Rs 1,655 crore a year ago, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank said in a regulatory filing. The bank would soon move the Reserve Bank for transition to a universal bank, having received approval from the board. The interest income of the bank improved to Rs 1,591 crore in the quarter from Rs 1,471 crore in the same quarter a year ago. The bank's asset quality deteriorated, with gross non-performing assets (NPAs) rising to 2.68 per cent of gross advances at the end of the December 2024 quarter from 2.18 per cent a year ago. Its net NPAs or bad loans also rose to 0.56 per cent against 0.17 per cent in the year-ago period. Provisions other than tax and contingencie