South Korean tech major Samsung will raise investments in Indian R&D centres at Bengaluru and Noida that have played a key role in development of AI features for its latest smartphone Galaxy S25, the company's President and Head of Mobile eXperience (MX) Business T M Roh said on Thursday and added that the firm expects a larger role from these research facilities in future. Besides, India with its large size of young demography is an important market for the South Korean chaebol for the development and sales of its Galaxy AI technology, he said. "India, keen to adopt the latest technologies and innovations, is a very important country for Samsung in both Galaxy AI development and sales and will always remain our top priority," said Roh at a media round-table after the launch of its flagship smartphone S25 here. Roh further said the young population of India is "highly receptive" to innovative features. The new smartphone, S25, has integrated Hindi, besides Korean and English, as ..