Contract research and manufacturing services firm Syngene International on Thursday said its profit after tax rose 17 per cent on-year to Rs 131 crore in the December 2024 quarter. The company had reported a profit after tax (PAT) of Rs 112 crore in the year-ago period. Revenue from operations rose to Rs 944 crore during the October-December quarter against Rs 854 crore in the third quarter of the preceding fiscal, Syngene International said in a statement. "The company's third-quarter performance saw a return to growth across all business divisions that sets us up well for the next quarter," Syngene International MD and CEO Jonathan Hunt said. Growth in the quarter suggests that market dynamics, particularly in US biotech, are stabilising, albeit later than expected, he added. Shares of the company ended 2.44 per cent higher at Rs 847.25 apiece on the BSE.