At least 18 students of a government school were hospitalised on Wednesday after they complained of uneasiness in Chhattisgarh's Balodabazar-Bhatapara district, officials said. While officials said the exact reason behind the situation was yet to be ascertained, locals claimed pollution from nearby cement plants was causing serious health issues for them. During the day, the authorities, however, shut down the Alternate Fuel Resources (AFR) centre at one cement plant in the area over the alleged violation of green norms. At least 18 students of Government Higher Secondary Girls School at Khapradih village complained of uneasiness and drowsiness following which they were shifted to the Community Health Centre in nearby Suhela, Balodabazar-Bhatapara Collector Dipak Soni told PTI. Later, six of them were referred to different facilities, including the district hospital, he said. Their condition was reported to be stable, he said. Complaints were received about pollution at AFR centr