Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday requested tech powerhouse Google to consider Visakhapatnam as a probable chip design and manufacture centre. With Google ramping up its chip production for server operations, Naidu, during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, pitched the port city as an ideal location for the company to set up a chip design centre. "Naidu requested Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian to explore opportunities in Visakhapatnam for a chip design centre, as Google is now manufacturing its chips for server operations," an official release stated. The CM also appealed to Kurian to establish a chip manufacturing unit in the state, integrating it into the Google Cloud server supply chain, and expressed his desire for Andhra Pradesh to become a hub for Google's server operations. "Had an engaging discussion with Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, and Andre Nakazawa, ManagerInternational Organisation at Google. We explored the latest