The Geological Survey of India on Sunday said it has charted an extensive roadmap for the 2025-26 field season with around 1,065 scientific programmes, including 402 mineral development projects and a 16-per cent jump in the number of critical mineral initiatives.
Within exploration activities, a significant focus has been placed on critical mineral exploration, with 227 dedicated projects targeting strategically important mineral commodities such as graphite, lithium and vanadium, the surveyor said in a statement.
The GSI said it would spend Rs 300 crore on critical mineral exploration and investigation during the field season.
"For the upcoming year 2025-26, GSI has formulated about 1,065 scientific programmes, which include 402 mineral development projects that have the potential to generate auctionable mineral blocks in the near future," it said.
The Kolkata-headquartered GSI will also take up 167 mineral discovery projects having the potential to create promising areas for fut