AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal said Sunday he has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposing a joint housing scheme for government employees, particularly sanitation workers, in Delhi, which votes in assembly election on February 5.
Kejriwal told a press conference here, he has urged the prime minister to provide land on "highly subsidised" rates to the Delhi government where it can build houses for the employees, who can pay easy installments during the last phase of their service periods.
Highlighting the hardships faced by government employees especially Safai Karmcharis post-retirement, Kejriwal said he proposed the joint housing scheme to ensure they lived comfortably and with dignity.
The proposed scheme can be piloted with employees of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) before being extended to all government employees across Delhi, Kejriwal said.
The AAP supremo is contesting the February 5 Assembly polls from New Delhi ...