Police are examining the CCTV footage showing the intruder who allegedly attacked actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra apartment with a knife escaping through the staircase, officials said.
The footage, captured at 2.33 am on Thursday, clearly showed the young suspect's face. He is seen wearing a brown collared t-shirt and red scarf or 'gamcha' while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building. The actor lives on the 12th floor.
A screen grab of the intruder's face as he glanced at the CCTV camera went viral. Police were examining the footage of the entire building premises to get more clues, an official said.
Several teams have been formed to nab the suspect, he added.
Besides local police, the crime branch too is conducting a probe.
The attack, which took place around 2.30 am on Thursday after the intruder had somehow gained entry into Khan's flat and was spotted by his house help, left the actor grievously injured with a piece of knife lodged in his spine. He was oper